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If you decided to invest the princely sum of one pound sterling on the PDF version of issue 184 you will be getting no less than 236 beautifully laid out pages for that outlay.
You can download it right now HERE or at any time this month by clicking on the “Issue 184 PDF” button.
However, if you’re happy to read everything in long strips, you are welcome to work your way through the features listed in the “This Month” column (or anywhere else on the site) and they are all 100% free.
If you do choose to read the magazine free via these pages, all that we ask is that you share any articles or pictures that you enjoy as widely as you can using any and all of the social networks that you subscribe to.
Why would anyone pay for a PDF version when you can see it all for free on this web site?
Because it’s the next best thing to reading the articles in a printed magazine. Compare these pages from the PDF with the blog style entries on the web site.
If you have a pound then you couldn’t spend it more wisely…
I remember the magazine when it was free from the burger van outside the local bike shop, it was good then, now it is even better. Excellent reading, great pictures, and just £1.
Keep it coming Dave!
It’s really great to hear that from a long term reader Tony.
I’m possibly one of the longest term readers of all, I saw my first one when I was driving a van for West 1 couriers at the tail end of ’97 – which would have been issue 4 or 5!
Refreshing to find you can still get quality for just £1. Is there any chance it can be set as an annual subscription? Keep up the good work. Cheers.
Hi Nick, that’s certainly what we’d like to do (not least because Paypal take 23p on each transaction) I just need to work out the technical stuff – which isn’t really my one of my strengths but we’ll get there.
Possibly a technical hitch but having paid my £1 I can’t seem to get it to download… when I click on the `download here` it just goes to the payment field again? Is it me or am I missing something?
Nick, you should have received an email saying “Your order is complete – please download your files”?
Have a look through your emails and if you still can’t find it drop us an email.
But first, just by way of experiment, why don’t you click for a copy of issue 174 (it’s free on account of having only 10 pages) and see what happens.
Keep us posted.