Motorbike Fast
by Suzi-Mae (who is 11 years and 5 months old).
I hold on tight,
I look straight ahead,
Leaving behind my warm, cosy bed.
Now I’m ready and steady,
Raring to go,
Ignoring the things that are quite, very slow.
Motorbike fast,
Rock to and fro,
And motorbike vroom go! go! go!
Your thunderous beast,
Tamed by my granddad tall,
You whoosh, whizz, zooooooom me right off to school.
The wind in my face,
The cold on my clothes,
If we ever shall stop – well nobody knows.
My troubles behind me,
A turning ahead,
For all the sweets in the world I am fine here instead!
Motorbike fast,
Rock to and fro,
And motorbike vroom go! go! go!
Your thunderous beast,
Tamed by my granddad tall,
You whoosh, whizz, zooooooom me right off to school.
But just as you’d think we could go on forever,
Safety clad,
In jackets of leather.
From sitting up high,
To the ground I drop,
No more motorbike vroom stop. stop. stop.
Your once thunderous engine beginning to bawl,
No whoosh, whizz or zoom,
For I am at school.
If we’d kept on going,
Round bend after bend,
Then our wondrous journey-would never end.
But it has,
And the school day has started,
Though for just one more day from this bike I am parted.
Because tomorrow,
When I must go to school,
I will ride on a motorbike with my granddad tall.
I know Suzi – the author of this poem – through the photo club that I help out at at my eight year old’s primary school. A few weeks ago I saw a yellow BMW GS1200 pull up opposite the school with Suzi waving enthusiastically – and obviously very proudly – from the pillion. As we walked in the gates I asked her if it was her dad’s bike but she informed me that it was her granddad’s before skipping off to class.
Now young Suzi has a wonderful, particularly arty eye for photography, so it occurred to me that she might just write well too and sure enough when I asked, I was informed that she always carries a book around to write poems in; so I invited Suzi to compose something for The Rider’s Digest and the above is an eleven year old’s take on doing the school run on her grandpa’s GS!
Dave Gurman